Fire On Trauma,
Clear On Purpose
Professional Mental Health Counselor Specializing in Trauma & PTSD Symptoms
What Does a Trauma Therapist Do?
A trauma therapist will tackle distorted thinking patterns, complex griefs, moral injuries (invisible scars), and any of the 17 symptoms of PSTD.

The Mission
Kelly trains her clients to re-integrate with society while finding the ability to reframe and understand past heightened events. Her focus is to provide basic training (body, mind, and spirit), find or check the mission, and discover the position and purpose goals to start moving.
The operation involves crushing trauma targets and clearing anxiety residue that finds our warriors in vulnerable situations and hopeless states. Then an After Action Review (AAR) and new plan to comes to action to attain set goals.
“Leveling up: body, mind, heart, spirit”
Why the Name "Friendly Fire?"
The hunt for the enemy is on the mind with distorted negative beliefs. "I'm weak, "I'm defective, I should have done something, I can't trust anyone, I did the unforgivable, and I'm unlovable..." To eradicate the enemy, together we fire upon it, clear it and crush the old past shame and guilt to make healing begin.
The term Friendly Fire has a negative connotation in battle. However, it is a play on words to see the negative thoughts and self-destructive behavior as the enemy that has to be taken down or changed.
A symbolic view of friendly fire in therapy is to help most positively, stop the insanity and learn to live again.

Our Services
Individual Therapy Sessions
One hour in length. In-person or telehealth.
Group Sessions
For warriors, units, departments, and small teams. Preference would be to travel in person for extensive daily, weekend, or weeklong training. Secondly, telehealth would be online.
Online telehealth coaching/podcasts
Links for upcoming events and the selection process to join will be sent by email.